
1544 N. Woodland Park Dr #310
Layton, UT 84041

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Engineering and Technical Services

Our team of highly skilled and experienced mechanical and electrical engineers follow a Systems Engineering process to achieve customer requirements.
Engineering services include: 

      • System sustainment and logistics
      • Engineering analysis
      • Mechanical system design
      • 3D modeling and simulation and fatigue analysis 
      • Development of Technical Data Packages
      • Electrical system design
      • Design/installation of composite airfield towers and tilt towers
      • Lightning protection
      • Automated test equipment

From analysis, to design, to testing, we have you covered.


Research and Development

Our team performs product design, development, prototyping and testing. Our focus is on customer needs and requirements coupled with lifecycle planning to ensure the development of quality, cost-effective products.

Environmental & Natural Resource Services

Our team provides a wide range of Environmental and Natural Resource services including hazardous waste management, environmental compliance, recycling and solid waste management, and natural resource monitoring. We also provide GIS services for both Government and Private sector customers. 

Select Engineering Services led the ESTCP project on Dugway Proving Ground (DPG), located in west-central Utah, which is a Department of Defense (DoD) test site for chemical and biological defensive testing; it is also home to multiple breeding pairs of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos). The presence of an eagle nest has the potential to stop military testing and training due to potential nest disturbance. It is vital to DPG and similar DoD installations to fully understand the status of in-use eagle nests on military lands. Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS), it may be possible to obtain accurate status updates of eagle nests on DoD lands more efficiently than can be accomplished on foot. The DPG Team designed a blind study conducting weekly golden eagle nest surveys on DPG to compare the effectiveness of sUAS, UAS, and ground observers.
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1544 N. Woodland Park Dr., #310
Layton, UT 84041